Kingdom Plantae: Angiosperms (Flowering Plants )


1. Large fresh flowers with superior ovaries

2. Prepared slides of Lilium-cross sections of ovary showing embryo sacs; Lilium-cross sections of mature anthers

3. Set of live flowers on display, including a composite, a grass, a primitive flower (e.g., buttercup), an advanced flower with an inferior ovary (e.g., orchid), and an inflorescence

4. Model of a flower


Some Suggested Learning Goals

1. Know the parts of a complete flower, and know the function of each part.

2. Understand the basic variations in ovary position and general structure of flowers.

3. Understand the difference between a compound ovary and a simple ovary.

4. Learn the life cycle of a flowering plant, and understand how an immature ovule becomes a seed.


The life cycle of flowering plants exhibits the same alterna­tion of diploid (2n) and haploid (n) generations seen in the lower plants. However, the gametophyte phase is propor­tionately greatly reduced and is confined within certain tis­sues of the sporophyte, where it is entirely dependent on it. As in gymnosperms, two kinds of spores and gametophytes are produced, the larger megaspores giving rise to the fe­male gametophytes, and the smaller microspores giving rise to the male gametophytes.

A. Structure of a Flower

With the aid of your dissecting microscope, examine one of the flowers provided. Note the small leaflike sepals compris­ing the calyx, and the usually colored or white petals, compris­ing the corolla. In some flowers, the sepals or petals may be united into an undivided calyx or corolla. How many sepals and petals d6es your flower have? Monocot flowers generally have their parts (sepals, petals, stamens, stigma divisions) in threes or multiples of three. Dicot flowers usually have their parts in fours or fives. Is your flower a monocot or a dicot?

Both the calyx and the corolla are attached to the recep­tacle, the slightly to distinctly expanded tip of the flower stalk (peduncle or pedicel). The male reproductive struc­

tures or stamens each consist of a slender stalk, the filament, and a pollen-bearing anther. In some flowers, the filaments may be fused together or to the petals; they usually surround the female reproductive structure, the pistil. The pistil con­sists of a stigma that may be knoblike, forked, feathery, or pointed; a necklike style that can be long and slender to short and stubby; and an ovary, which is usually swollen.

There are many variations of flower stucture. In lilies, for example, the sepals may be of the same size and color as the petals. In the sunflower family, the "flower" is actually an inflorescence composed of many tiny flowers arranged so that they resemble a single larger flower. Most of the tiny flowers have very small fused corollas and stamens, but those around the margin each may have a large flattened, petal-like extension of their corolla. In several families (e.g., the pumpkin family), the stamens and the pistil usually are in separate flowers; in other families, such as the buttercup family, there may be more than one pistil to a flower.

Remove the pistil from your flower, and note the swollen ovary at the base, the pollen-receiving stigma at the top, and the style connecting the two parts. Is your stigma divided in any way, or is it instead knoblike, or inconspicu­ous enough to be difficult to distinguish from the style? Now cut the ovary longitudinally with a razor blade. Ob­serve the small whitish ovules. These eventually become seeds as the ovary matures into a fruit. Is your ovary di­vided into two or more segments known as carpels? Carpels represent individual pistils that have become united, and a pistil with two or more carpels is said to be compound. A simple pistil has only one carpel.

B. Development of the Male Gametophyte

Before young anthers mature, they usually contain four chambers in which microsporocytes undergo meiosis, pro­ducing quartets (sometimes called tetrads) of microspores. After the nucleus of each microspore has divided once by mitosis, the cells of each quartet separate, and their walls often become sculptured or ornamented. These bodies are now called pollen grains. As the anther matures, the wall between adjacent chambers usually breaks down, leaving just two pollen sacs, from which the pollen grains are re­leased through slits or pores.

After pollination (which is nothing more than the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma and should not be confused with fertilization), a pollen tube may emerge  from a pollen grain on the stigma, and by following a gradi­ent of chemicals diffusing from the embryo sac, the pollen tube may grow down the style to the ovary and enter the ovule through an opening or passage called the micropyle. As the pollen tube grows, one of the two nuclei in the pollen grain, the tube nucleus, remains near the tip, while the other nucleus (generative nucleus) lags behind. Some­times the generative nucleus divides in the pollen grain, forming two male gametes or sperms, but this particular mitotic division often takes place right in the pollen tube while it is growing. The germinated pollen grain, with its pollen tube containing two sperm nuclei, constitutes the mature male gametophyte.

C. Development of the Female Gametophyte

A megasporocyte in each ovule undergoes meiosis, produc­ing four haploid megaspores. In most flowering plants, three of the megaspores degenerate. The remaining mega­spore becomes larger as its nucleus undergoes three succes­sive mitotic divisions. The three successive divisions result in eight nuclei. This large, eight-nucleate cell within the ovule constitutes the female gametophyte.

One of the eight nuclei, normally located toward the bottom of the female gametophyte, functions as the female gamete or egg; the egg is flanked by two synergid nuclei. If the egg is damaged, either of the synergids can substitute as the egg. At the other end of the female gametophyte are three nonfunctional antipodal nuclei; the other two nuclei, called central cell nuclei, usually remain in the center of the female gametophyte where they sometimes fuse together.

Unless you have been provided with a specially se­lected slide, you probably will not see all eight of the female gametophyte nuclei. Most laboratories for introductory courses use Lilium (lily) ovary cross sections to show fe­male gametophytes. Such a prepared slide usually contains several cross sections, and each section has parts of up to six gametophytes present. However, because of the way in which the sections are cut, complete gametophytes with all eight nuclei visible are seldom present. You should first lo­cate the most complete gametophyte sections with the low power of your compound microscope, and then turn to high power to see details. Note that in a lily female gametophyte, four of the nuclei are considerably larger than the other four nuclei. This is because the lily gametophyte develops in a manner slightly different from that of most other flowers.

By the time it is mature, the diploid cells of the ovule surrounding it have developed into two layers, the integu­ments, which will later become the seed coat of a seed. There/is normally a gap or passageway, the micropyle, formed between the integuments in the vicinity of the egg. This micropyle will later allow access to the female game­tophyte by a tube from a pollen grain.

Study the slide labeled "Lilium: mature anthers." Ex­amine one of the sections of the anthers. Locate a pollen

grain in which two nuclei are visible. Note the relatively thick, sculptured outer wall. The generative nucleus is more dense than the tube nucleus. How can you account for some of the pollen grains on your slide apparently having only one nucleus? (Hint: remember that you are looking at very thin slices of tissue.)

D. Development of Seeds and Fruits

After pollination and growth of the pollen tube has occurred, the contents of the pollen tube are discharged into the embryo sac. The double fertilization that follows involves the union of one sperm with the egg, foiii~ing a zygote, and the union of the other sperm with the polar nuclei, forming the endosperm nucleus. Since the endosperm nucleus is the product of three haploid (n) cells all fusing together, it ends up triploid (i.e., it has 3n chromosomes)-a situation unique to the flowering plants. The endosperm nucleus usually divides repeatedly, producing 3n endosperm tissue, which functions in food stor­age. The endosperm may become an extensive part of the seed, or it may disappear soon after it is formed. When the endosperm disappears early, part of the embryo, which devel­ops by repeated divisions of the zygote, may take over the food storage function. The outer layers of the ovule (integu­ments) harden into a seed coat, which forms the outer cover­ing of a seed. While the seeds are maturing, the ovary under­goes transformation into a fruit.

Drawings to Be Submitted

1. Label all the parts of a complete flower. Include PETALS (COROLLA), SEPALS (CALYX), PEDUNCLE (or PEDICEL), RECEPTACLE, STIGMA, STYLE, OVARY, OVULE, PISTIL, and STAMEN(S)-with ANTHER(S) and FILAMENT(S).

2. Draw a section through an OVULE, using the prepared slide provided. Show the EMBRYO SAC, with its ANTIPODALS, SYNERGIDS, and EGG, and the surrounding tissues.

3. Draw a portion of a cross section of a MATURE ANTHER from the prepared slide provided. Label POLLEN GRAIN(S), TUBE NUCLEUS, and GENERATIVE NUCLEUS.




1. What is the part of the flower to which petals, sepals, and stamens are attached?

2. What is the part of the stamen to which an anther usually is attached?________________________________

3. Which part of a flower receives pollen?______________________________________________________

4. How many functional cells are usually produced when a microsporocyte undergoes meiosis? What are these cells called and what happens to them?_________________________________________________________________________________

5. How many nuclei does a typical mature pollen grain have before pollination?

How many nuclei does a mature male gametophyte have just before fertilization?

6. How does a pollen tube enter an embryo sac?

7. What is the difference between pollination and fertilization?

8. What happens to antipodals after fertilization has occurred?_______________________________________

9. How is an endosperm nucleus formed?

What becomes of an endosperm nucleus after it is formed?_________________________________________

10. What structures become a seed coat?_______________________________________________________


1. What is the part of the flower to which petals, sepals, and stamens are attached?

2. What is the part of the stamen to which an anther usually is attached?________________________________

3. Which part of a flower receives pollen?______________________________________________________

4. How many functional cells are usually produced when a microsporocyte undergoes meiosis? What are these cells called and what happens to them?_________________________________________________________________________________

5. How many nuclei does a typical mature pollen grain have before pollination?

How many nuclei does a mature male gametophyte have just before fertilization?

6. How does a pollen tube enter an embryo sac?

7. What is the difference between pollination and fertilization?

8. What happens to antipodals after fertilization has occurred?_______________________________________

9. How is an endosperm nucleus formed?

What becomes of an endosperm nucleus after it is formed?_________________________________________

10. What structures become a seed coat?